Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bright, Sunshiny Day

I caved and bought my fifth pair of Converse sneakers today. In my defense, they were half off and I kind of, sort of, needed walking shoes for a trip I'm taking this week...

In all seriousness though, there's a reason I'm a Converse (semi)addict. They're more stylish than a pair of running shoes, hold up to daily wear and tear, and fit my narrow feet well. With the exception of my gold sequined pair (another amazing sale find), my other pairs are all rather neutral. I have a black, royal blue, and pale blue pair. And since the gold sequined pair are a bit more delicate and best reserved for special occasions, I'm really excited to add this bright pair to my closet!

Image via Kaboodle


A "cheery" disposition said...

I have a pair of red ones and i love them. I am digging the yellow, however.

Edith B. Marshall said...

Wow! Another fabulous collection of shoes. Nice fashion and style. Beautiful shoes looking very amazing and cute. I love to read this blog as it brings vast knowledge and experience. Keep up updating the post regularly..